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Fitness Couple High Five

Precision Health & Performance

Optimizing Function

Our Health Mission

Whether you are a professional athlete, weekend warrior or everyday hero, our experienced healthcare professionals put your healing needs first. We take pride in providing high quality, individualized patient care. Advanced education, experience, and a commitment to health and wellness for all of our patients ensures you will get the best care possible. Our goal is to help you adapt to whatever demands you place on your body in order to achieve your greatest potential!

Simply put- we get you better, fast!



Experience and Professionalism

With over 30 years of experience, working at the highest levels of sport and education, our team will assess your needs and create an individualized treatment and recovery plan that's right for you. We take time to educate you on the most effective ways to take care of your body, in order to optimize your health and performance.

Individualized Care

We are not all the samePrecision Manual Medicine is a personalized treatment plan based on a thorough physical assessment. We treat the root of your current problem as well as previous injuries. By decreasing pain, stiffness and inflammation, increasing range of motion and strength we maximize healing, recovery and optimize function to get you moving better and support you in order to live your best life.   

Leg Injury
Exercise in the Fitness Room

What to Expect


At Precision Performance we do things a little differently. Rather than only treating your symptoms, we strive to resolve the root of your problem and improve your overall function. We believe that spending an hour 1:1 caring for a patient is exponentially more valuable than more frequent, shorter periods. During your initial appointment, a thorough medical health history, functional physical assessment and movement screen is completed. Treatment to decrease pain and inflammation, improve range of motion and strength involves a combination of gentle soft tissue and joint mobilization techniques, painless medical acupuncture, exercise and nutritional education as necessary. We provide only the highest quality, most effective and efficient treatments based on anatomy, physiology, biomechanics and proven injury rehab . Our goal is to deliver an individualized treatment plan to optimize your body's adaptive potential and healing capabilities. We will get you back to your activities feeling better than ever, as quickly as possible!

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